Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sambhaji Maharaj Son of Shivaji Maharaj

Sambhaji Maharaj was a valiant fighter who never was defeated by Mughals. Aurangzeb fought war with him 14 times and was defeated by Marathas.

While he was resting in a place in the night, Mughals caught hold of him and tied to the camel. The camel pulled Sambhaji Maharaj over the ground for 15 times, still he was standing still. Then Aurangzeb compelled him to become a Muslim. He rejected his appeal. When he looks at Sambhaji, the Mughals Ruler was afraid. Then Aurangzeb took his 2 eyes off and given as gift to someone. Then the day before Hindu New Year, The Mughals cut the throat of Sambhaji Maharaj. Then they broke the hands and legs of Sambhaji Maharaj. Still Sambhaji Maharaj remain undefeated.

So Vote for BJP.

Let Mughals Die ( Congress Prez Rahul Gandhi cries when Muslim girl is raped, when Hindu girl is raped, Congress & Bollywood never utter a word)

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