Saturday, July 7, 2018

Example Of Indian History Which Is Twisted, Same Happened in Pakistan

See this Video, how Congress Govt. And Pakistan Govt changed text books of history according to the means of politicians.

A cultural, diversified and a history to reckon with

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sambhaji Maharaj Son of Shivaji Maharaj

Sambhaji Maharaj was a valiant fighter who never was defeated by Mughals. Aurangzeb fought war with him 14 times and was defeated by Marathas.

While he was resting in a place in the night, Mughals caught hold of him and tied to the camel. The camel pulled Sambhaji Maharaj over the ground for 15 times, still he was standing still. Then Aurangzeb compelled him to become a Muslim. He rejected his appeal. When he looks at Sambhaji, the Mughals Ruler was afraid. Then Aurangzeb took his 2 eyes off and given as gift to someone. Then the day before Hindu New Year, The Mughals cut the throat of Sambhaji Maharaj. Then they broke the hands and legs of Sambhaji Maharaj. Still Sambhaji Maharaj remain undefeated.

So Vote for BJP.

Let Mughals Die ( Congress Prez Rahul Gandhi cries when Muslim girl is raped, when Hindu girl is raped, Congress & Bollywood never utter a word)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Indian History is Manipulated

The first education minister of India Maulana Abdul Kalaam Azad manipulate d the whole history Alexander was given a Muslim name called shikander, actually his real meaning means defender of men.

Porus defeated Alexander in the battle of Jhelum and this broke the heart of him and died. Our history is manipulated and you will not see any Hindu, Sikh or Rajput Kings ruled or won war against Mughals.

See this and get the real story. So, Vote for BJP......

Indian History is Manipulated

The first education minister of India Maulana Abdul Kalaam Azad manipulate d the whole history Alexander was given a Muslim name called shikander, actually his real meaning means defender of men.

Porus defeated Alexander in the battle of Jhelum and this broke the heart of him and died. Our history is manipulated and you will not see any Hindu, Sikh or Rajput Kings ruled or won war against Mughals.

See this and get the real story. So, Vote for BJP......

Why Sikh People Are Giving Vote To Mughals

If you are a real Sikh, and you love your mother country India plus if you love Guru Nanak ji.....then see this video and decide, whether you want mughals  to rule India or BJP to rule.

https ://

Sunday, July 1, 2018

How Congress, Bollywood playing different tune???

Now Dhainik Bhaskar and Patrika is planning to protect the Rapist of Mansaur (MP) Bcoz all the rapist are Muslims. When another Muslim girl was raped, then even Bollywood actors like Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan and even Aamir Khan were giving lectures to all Tv channels. Actually all were discredited by the girl's father himself. Dia Mirza was writing big essays in social media. We know that Islamic foundation is running the Bollywood, but India is run by us. Even Muslims are supporting BJP.

Congress for the last 70 years, did what? At that time Nirbhaya case happened, what did they do? Nothing. We are not talking about this, but facts are facts. Congress did nothing and at that time, you all were sitting mum. When BJP started doing, you want more. I'm always allied with the girl and the family, who are suffering whether it's the Hindu or Muslim.

My suggestion is that, those culprit must be hanged to death, on the spot. Whoever may be?

But, INDIA is partially partial in the base of religion, caste and even Politics. At least look at the work done by the ruling govt. If you can't appreciate, after taking money from Congress and Islamic foundation of Middleast, just keep mum and enjoy it. Better barking in the street, Salman Khan, Shahrukh, Dia Mirza and Aamir. Their films must be banned for lifetime.