Sharp Air Purifier (Japan) Launched In India Now-

Running an air purifier at home can be a good idea.  

This will filter out indoor allergens and pollutants. 

That'z especially true, when so many people are stuck indoors 24/7 due to coronavirus pandemic. 

It will be wondering if an air purifier can prevent COVID-19 by capturing virus particles that could be traveling in the air.

No One Tests Like This....

We spoke with virologist experts, and asked CR's own experts to weigh in. 

If someone in your household/Shop is sick with COVID-19/come with COVID - 19, running an air purifier in their quarantine room may help protect other family members or shop keepers. 

Healthcare workers,  who are self-quarantining when they come home, also need the same. 

Sharp Air Purifier (Japan) Launched In India Now: 

Coronavirus spreads is evolving, but it travels via droplets expelled from the body through coughing, talking, and breathing. 

Droplets which fall to the  ground quickly, research suggests that smaller particles may remain in the air for longer.

But even if you live with a healthcare worker or someone sick with COVID-19 nor having a COVID - 19 in the shop,  before you run out to buy an air purifier, our experts say that simply opening up the windows which will let in fresh air will help dilute indoor contaminants—including virus particles. 

Another option is you could try using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier.

“ evidence that filtration works to reduce transmission of the novel coronavirus,” -  Jeffrey Siegel, professor of civil engineering at the University of Toronto who has researched portable air purifiers with various airborne particles.

“But we can infer from .......SARS," he says, that there is the reason to think that air purifiers might help in some situations. 

In 2003, the SARS outbreak, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority recommended hospitals use portable air purifiers with HEPA filters to help reduce transmission to healthcare workers. 

Health care in U.S., the CDC also recommended the use of HEPA purifiers, help reduce viral concentrations of the SARS virus in the air when hospital rooms are not ventilated available.

 The Journal of Infectious Diseases and under review at BMC Infectious Diseases suggests that air filtration can reduce the risk of transmission of measles and influenza. 

“In theory, an air purifier removes viruses from the air, it also reduces concentrations in the room and hence reduces the potential for exposure,” says Linsey Marr,  professor at Virginia Tech an Environmental Engineering who specializes in airborne disease transmission, air quality, and nanotechnology. “ A mechanistic reason to think that air purifiers could help reduce transmission.”

To Capture the Coronavirus, Use Air Purifier

HEPA filters are very effective, certified to capture 99.97 percent of particles that are precisely 0.3 micron in diameter.

The novel coronavirus itself is 0.125 microns, but Marr says the droplets it travels in—when people cough, talk, or breathe—initially are larger, around 1 micron, which will be easily captured by HEPA filters.

James Dickerson, CR’s chief science officer conclude that echoes the air purifiers could help in some situations, but with a caveat: “HEPA filters are efficient enough at catching coronavirus-size particles, but the particles must first physically travel to the filter,” he says.  

The Sharp Air Purifier Launched In India must be  consistently capable of drawing in enough air to reduce the virus particles in the air. 

The faster an air purifier can cycle air through the filter, the better its chances of catching virus particles. You can fell or see how fast an air purifier cleans the surrounding air by looking for its CADR (clean air delivery rate) number on the packaging.

CADR reflects, in cubic feet per minute, which shows the volume of clean air that an air purifier produces at its highest speed setting.

The packaging should have three CADR ratings, one for smoke, dust, and pollen, which represent small, medium, or large particles, respectively. For example, a purifier with a CADR of 250 for smoke reduces smoke particle levels to the same concentration that would be achieved by adding 250 cubic feet of clean air each minute. (Smoke particles are similar in size to the smallest virus droplets while larger droplets are closer to the pollen size range.) 

Based on CR's lab tests of air purifiers, we recommend looking for a model with a CADR over 240, which can perform roughly five air exchanges per hour in its suggested room size. In our tests, these air purifiers perform well for quickly removing particles of all sizes from the air. All the models we highlight below have a CADR over 240. 

One practical matter to consider, however, is that you may not want to run an air purifier on its highest speed setting (in order to achieve the highest CADR). Air purifiers can be quite loud, especially at higher speeds, and that can disturb the sick person’s sleep. Here at CR we measure air purifiers’ noise levels in decibels and rate that trait. The models we highlight perform well removing particles even at lower, quieter speeds.

Even the most efficient air purifiers can’t prevent some droplets from landing on surfaces, where they can live for hours or even days according to early research at the National Institutes of Health. So to help prevent the spread of the virus in your house, you should clean your home and wash your hands frequently, too.

How to Use an Sharp Air Purifier Launched In India When a Family Member Is Sick

If you believe you or someone in your household might have COVID-19, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for essential steps to take, which include how to monitor symptoms, when to seek medical help, and the proper way to isolate someone who's sick.

To use a HEPA purifier at home to help prevent transmission of the virus to other family members, Siegel suggests placing the unit three feet from the person who is sick with COVID-19. “We know that close contact is a main transmission route so I would rather people have an air purifier on low speed near the patient rather than farther away on super high speed,” he says.

Run it 24 hours a day on the highest setting that won’t disturb the sick person’s sleep. In addition, keep the air purifier separated from anything that can obstruct airflow, such as curtains or furniture, and keep the door to the room closed. When used correctly, the filter can potentially intercept floating virus particles before they reach a caregiver in the same room, says Siegel. 

Take extra precautions when handling the air purifier and changing the HEPA filter. According to early studies, the coronavirus can live on plastic and steel, both materials air purifiers are commonly made of, for up to three days. And, Siegel says, "We don’t know yet how long the coronavirus can survive on filters."

Don’t touch the air purifier while it’s in use, and when it’s time to change the filter, put on gloves and a surgical mask if you have one, take the air purifier outside, and clean and disinfectant the exterior. Then remove the filter and dispose of it in a sealed bag. If your air purifier has a fabric prefilter, wash it.

One note about advertisements you may be seeing about using air purifiers against the coronavirus: Be wary if you see products that claim they can outright prevent COVID-19 or destroy the coronavirus. 

“Some air purifiers claim to kill viruses using UV light..........,” says John Galeotafiore, a director of testing at CR. “We suggest consumers never.......... there isn't enough concrete evidence yet that proves they work in these settings.”

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Subin Chandran